Shiara called today to say she had lost a ring down at Marino. She was able to put me close enough that it was found within 5 minutes. Another really friendly client and a lovely ring back where it belongs.
Lost engagement ring found in One Tree Hill Adelaide
Initially this young couple hired a metal detector to try and find their lost engagement ring, however they didn’t have any luck after 6 or so hours searching. I ended up dropping in on them to help out and together we searched the large area on the side of a road for 1.5 hours.
Nothing turned up the first day before it got dark, so I rejoined them the following day and re-searched the area with the Minelab Sovereign GT but no luck.
Eventually I extended the search area to outside what they thought was the possible drop zone and after another hour I found it tucked under some dry grass.
It is amazing just how many lost rings end up being metal detected outside the initial search zone.
This couple were are hard working, diligent, resourceful and very much a dedicated team, they are going to do well and what an amazing smile (and hug) they offered on getting the ring back 🙂

Absolutely thrilled that I was able to help them out and return an absolute cracker of a gold engagement ring to this couple 🙂

White Gold Engagement Ring Lost and Found in West Beach, Adelaide
A heartbroken Tania phoned me at 3:30 on Australia day after losing her white gold engagement ring at West Beach. The poor thing was distraught and very concerned that the ring was lost forever.
We caught up at the car park at around 4:15 and walked down to the frantically scratched up sand where 2 hours of unsuccessful physical searching had failed to find the ring.
Tania pointed out the rough search area and a few other places it could have landed, and I went to work with the Minelab Sovereign GT. Only a bottle top on the first search grid line, then a great sounding signal on the return grid line. A quick pinpoint with the trusty Garrett Pro-pointer later and I just used my fingers to dig into the soft sand and pull out the really nice engagement ring 🙂
So by 4:30 Tania had the ring back on her finger and the biggest smile I have ever seen. A great result, and less than an hour from phone call to find.
Her quote “Best $75 I have ever spent”

Lost and found wedding ring in Magill
John from Magill phoned up this morning to see if I could help find his wife’s lost wedding ring. Katherine had lost the ring while gardening in the backyard yesterday and looked online for a hire detector.
The search area was about 10m^2 of lawn, a couple of paths, the green bin and 2 garden beds.
I searched 1/2 of the first garden bed first, then gridded the lawn to take that out of the equation. Next was the other half of the first garden bed (near a steel fence) and that is where I found it. Just tucked under some loose lawn clippings.

Both John and Katherine were extremely happy to have the ring back and have contacted the insurance company to cancel their claim 🙂

Ring lost while gardening found by Adelaide Lost Ring Search
George phoned after he lost his wedding band while gardening in his backyard in Southern Adelaide (Aberfoyle Park). He had been scrambling around in some heavy undergrowth pulling out weeds and had no idea where the ring was lost.

I started metal detecting the green bin, then the paths he had carried the weeds along. Apart from a small lawn and the green bin, the rest of the search was all along a colourbond fence and a metal shed so it was difficult.
After about 1hr I eventually found it at the base of a tall clump of grass under a shrub right next to the fence. Fortunately the Garrett Pro Pointer can be detuned to detect adjacent metal items like fences.
George had emotionally given up on it, so was very happy and a little surprised to have his white gold wedding ring returned 🙂

Ring found in Oakbank
Andrew phoned up after his brand new wife Christiana lost her platinum wedding ring while taking photos during the reception.
She had walked around 100m down their driveway, climbed through a wire fence (picture this in a wedding dress and pregnant ) and had a series of photos taken in a horse paddock and near a dam.
The search area was fortunately around 1/2 acre on a 10 acre property in lovely Oakbank in the Adelaide Hills.
Andrew was keen to help, so I set him up with a backup metal detector (Fisher F2) while I went to work along the fence line, and then into the horse paddock. I finally found it on the third pass in the paddock using the Minelab Sovereign GT and Garrett Propointer.
Lots of smiles and a hug
Necklace at Henley Beach
For a sunny day today was very quiet then the phone rang with a dropped necklace just north of Henley Jetty. I let dinner go cold and headed down there ASAP. They were quite surprised to see me 30 minutes or so after the call and explained what happened.
He lost it while flicking the towel at the end of the beach session. Fortunately he took a photo of the rocks up on the break water so we had a reasonable idea where he was. The search area ended up being only 20m by about 30m.
lent I started at the wet sand knowing that he wouldn’t have laid in the damp and gridded my way up towards the rocks. I picked up 3 dodgy signals (too deep) and after about 15 minutes detected a nice low (expected) tone on the Sovereign GT.
I had my little wand like Pro Pointer on me, so turned it on and prodded the ground to get a nice strong reaction. Obviously there was something only a couple of inches under the surface of the sand
I just reached over, raked the sand with my fingers and pulled the really nice necklace out of the sand, held it up to show him and was greeted with a massive, relieved smile 🙂
I was even offered a hug
I LOVE this job:)
A little detective work finds the ring without a metal detector
Turned up to a nice house up on Mt Osmond at 5pm today to find a lost wedding band. Introduced myself and had a quick chat for a couple of minutes.
Then at around 5.03 I asked all the heavy questions about what he was doing at the time, where he had been, what was he wearing, is there a chance it is in the car, bin, house, and all that logistic stuff …
5.07 He mentions that he did pick a few bundles of weeds up and moved them around …
I ask if he was wearing gloves ….
5.08 he gets a glint in his eye, walks around side of the house, finds the gloves and pulls the ring out.
All done in 8 minutes without turning using the detector at all
Lost wedding ring found on Brighton Beach
Dom called me on Saturday while I was away on holiday. He had lost his wedding band at Brighton Beach just south of Adelaide on Friday and tried to find it himself after buying a metal detector. Unfortunately he was unable to find it and found me online. I spent about 45 minutes looking in the areas he pointed out then extended the search area a little and found it. A nice gold wedding band found and returned 🙂

Great to see Dom and his wedding ring reunited.
Ring lost for 4 years found
Had a look for a ring lost four years ago by a now deceased gentleman. The son phoned me up to see if I could help his mother out by finding the long lost ring and bring a little bit of her lost husband back to her.
The search was over much of the front yard and it ended up being under a rock in a very overgrown bush.
One very happy son, and a crying, overwhelmed beautiful lady who gave me a hug
Another great day

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