Initially this young couple hired a metal detector to try and find their lost engagement ring, however they didn’t have any luck after 6 or so hours searching. I ended up dropping in on them to help out and together we searched the large area on the side of a road for 1.5 hours.
Nothing turned up the first day before it got dark, so I rejoined them the following day and re-searched the area with the Minelab Sovereign GT but no luck.
Eventually I extended the search area to outside what they thought was the possible drop zone and after another hour I found it tucked under some dry grass.
It is amazing just how many lost rings end up being metal detected outside the initial search zone.
This couple were are hard working, diligent, resourceful and very much a dedicated team, they are going to do well and what an amazing smile (and hug) they offered on getting the ring back 🙂

Absolutely thrilled that I was able to help them out and return an absolute cracker of a gold engagement ring to this couple 🙂

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