I am very happy to report that the lovely Amy and her very nice family now have there gold wedding band back 🙂
Amy posted a lost notice that her husband had lost his ring in Largs Bay (North West Adelaide, South Australia). The search sounded possible and the location not too far away, so I called Amy and asked if we could meet down there. We caught up and worked out the search area (about 40m x 20m in total) and I went to work.
An hour and a half later, I walked over to Amy with the ring in my sand scoop. One very relieved, happy and surprised reunion 🙂
As I had contacted Amy myself, I didn’t ask for the usual $50 call out fee. The kids were cute though, asking how they could pay me for helping mum 🙂
Amy was nice enough cover my petrol costs and I had that fantastic buzz you get for doing a good deed for someone. Still do infact this is a great way to help people 🙂

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