Most of the metal detecting jobs I get are based around finding lost jewellery. Every now and then I am asked to help find others such as pipes, cables, darts the kids threw into the back yard grass, etc. This time I was asked to find some electronic counters used on a mountain bike track in the Adelaide foot hills.
After walking along the track dodging the intermittent rain for around a kilometre or so I came across the area where the counter was lost. I turned on the the Minelab Sovereign GT and searched the rough area quickly. There was one very strong signal around 1 inch away from where a trench had been dug to find the counter so I marked that and kept looking for more signals.
After about 2 minutes it was obvious that there was only one main signal so Dr Stu started digging. After a couple of scrapes with the digging tool the outer plastic box of the complex waterproof setup emerged and it was obvious that the trip was a success ๐
A good trip, good company and a great result ๐

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